March 2020 News

Well we certainly got all the rainwater we needed in
our water tanks – and some!

Regular Volunteers, Mondays Only: 10am – 12noon
Jobs this month include: WEEDING, fence and gate repairs, compost bay relocation …
and Permablitz on Sunday 15/3/20, 10am – 2pm,
followed by regular Troubadour’s Folk Music 2-4pm.

Bring your broken items or tools for sharpening: new REPAIR CAFÉ & ongoing BOOMERANG BAGS
3rd Sunday monthly: 15/3/20, 10am – 1pm. Volunteers sewing cloth bags and helping repair broken things!

Clean Up Australia Day Sunday 1/3/20 9–12noon followed by thankyou lunch supplied by Kariong Progress Association.

Girrakool Blues Festival 6-8 March 2020
Thankyou to our volunteers during the event who collected many bottles and cans for fundraising.

Please call the POLICE ASSISTANCE LINE: 131 444 if you see anti-social behaviour.

Find us behind Kariong Progress Hall, in Dandaloo St.