September 2019 News

As part of the Community Garden Week, we will be hosting these events supported by Central Coast Council:

Monday 9th September

10am – 12noon Talk about Soil by Graeme King, local permaculture lover covering the importance of healthy soil for nutrient-dense food. Plant sale and morning tea. Gold coin donation welcome.

11am Worm farming demonstration and Composting Activities for all ages (Find out about A.D.A.M. – Aliveness, Diversity, Air and Moisture)

Friday 13th September

10am – 12 noon Talk about Growing Native Plants by Graeme Ingall from the Australian Plant Society, covering local plants, where to purchase, growing conditions and habitat provided.  Plant sale and morning tea. Gold coin donation welcome.

Sunday 22nd September

Kariong Progress Association and Kariong Eco Garden are hosting a Solar Power Info Day on Sunday 22/9/19, 10am – 2pm in the Kariong Progress Hall, 2 Dandaloo Street, Kariong.

Lunch will be catered for everyone who registers by 16/9/19 – via email to or phone 0429 431 889.

Kariong Progress Association has recently installed a 7.8 KW solar power system (with 6 KW inverter) on the roof of the community hall thanks to funding from Central Coast Council.

Tony Farina, President of Kariong Progress Association, says, “The aim of the day is to create a time and place for locals to share their knowledge about and experience with solar power, whether you already have a system and want to improve it or tell people about your experience or you are thinking of getting a solar power system and have some questions.”

Julian Bowker, Peninsula resident with a background in electronic engineering and computers will give an interactive talk on “Where does my energy money go?” showing how to monitor your electricity use. “It is really important for everyone to understand how they are using power and to know how to save money,” said Julian. Having performed audits for many local homes, he is patient when explaining what the options are.

Kariong Eco Garden President, Lisa Wriley, says “the Solar Power Info day is a must for anyone considering solar or with solar already.”

The Program:

10am Arrive and Browse Info on Display

10.10am Acknowledgement of Country

10.15am Welcome & Introductions

10.30am Launch of Kariong Progress Hall’s Solar Power Public Interface 10.40 Where does my energy money go? – Julian Bowker

11.00am Local Case Studies – Hear real experiences with solar panels, inverters, batteries, choosing a retailer, feed-in tariffs, installers, maintenance, DIY and passive solar design.

11.50am Central Coast Community Energy Assoc – Jo Muller

12noon Solar Power Panel – all speakers – have your questions ready! 12.30pm – Lunch & Electric Car Show & Tell in car park & time to browse Info displays

1.00pm Small Group Conversations – you choose from KPA/KEG – Kariong Kilowatt Counter;Community Environment Network – Climate Futures group; Central Coast Community Energy Assoc & Julian Bowker, Australian Conservation Foundation – Central Coast branch.

1.50pm Wrap Up and Thanks for coming